Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Am I tired?

YES! I am extremely tired. Probably due to lack of good rest for the past few weeks... Everyday, I would just hope that I have a little longer time to sleep. Due to this, my mind has become slow and not able to response fast. Haha, this will be the best time to cheat me ya!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Life and Death

Life is always ended with death, but different people will be fated to end their life differently. Death could be due to old age, sickness, accident or even suicide. Eventhough we know that one final day we will die, we still feel fear to death, aren't we? Yes. With multiple encounter of my close family members that get to know about their illness and walking towards the end of their journey, they have fear. Feeling lost and confused, how are they suppose to face the fact that their life is almost towards the end, how long? They do not know.

Battling with critical illness is really not easy. Easy to be uttered in words that they have to be strong, look at things at the positive side, and rest more. The pain they suffer, the discomfort when they are admitted and all the needle poking they need to go through to diagnose the illness, nobody will understand. Emotion is unstable and lots of questions pops up in mind, 'Why me??', 'What causes this disease', etc... Instead of asking why, what, how, we should try to strengthen our mind and cooperate with doctor for treatment plans. I know it is hard, but as long as there is a survival chance, we should try.

Life is short, anything can happen when you wake up in the next morning. Something that might change your entire life. So, do care for your health so that you will be able to live longer with your loved ones and appreciate each and everyone around you as you wouldn't know how much time you will have with them.

For those who are still single, love yourself so that you can take care of your parents. For those who are married, love yourself so that you can take care of your parents, other half and also your young ones (if you have any).

An outing with Hsuen Wern

Since 1st May was a holiday, Mr. Ha and myself decided to bring Hsuen Wern out to a mall, The Curve in Damansara. As usual, it was quite jammed entering the parking due to holiday.

We spent a few hours in the mall without buying anything. Just let Hsuen Wern curiously looking around, enjoying the view of the mall...

Managed to snap a few photos of mummy and Hsuen Wern.

Ok, another photo with papa when we reached home.

Nowadays, Hsuen Wern likes to be cuddle... Once we put her down on her bed, she will start crying. Well, no tears... just shouting for attention. See her 'crying' face here...

Alright, it was a tiring day for all of us. Once Hsuen Wern reached home in the evening, she is extremely tired and slept for few hours. It is a nice experience but having an infant in a stroller, it's kinda troublesome to walk in a mall. Each time we need to go to another floor, we'll need to find the lift, instead of using the escalator. Another trouble is we need to feed her milk every few hours when she is hungry.

Anyhow, we will try to bring her out often so that she will get used to crowded environment.

A family photo

Presenting to you our first family photo :D
We did not plan for this and therefore, our attire was just quite lousy.. hahaha!